Monday, December 3, 2012

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Arrived sky class middle.
Chen Lao also controls an orotund way:"Wheat house of achievement what method pay attention to is thick to accumulate thin hair, and don't take fight as lord ears of wheat also very clear wheat old circumstance, but want to say in the mind at 1:00 don't hate that is impossible, former wheat family's self-discipline is all thick to accumulate thin hair, success will come, never especially the idea break.Ears of wheat this time especially the idea self-discipline broke me to also ask for a while, her meaning is the ability that at least has some self-preservations.Otherly also have no to say more."
Chen Han understandly ordered to nod also and have no again to say more what, grandpa meaning in the words he has been already understood as well.The sometime words don't need to be been loquacious of keep on talking without stop, will say everything so understand.A words in included enough many informations.
In early morning prepare to want at Chen Han hospital of time, martial building in the cow house has already started to be busy as well and solicit students place remain row growth dragon.Although have already opened foot to contain 20 window ways now,dr dre beats studio,remain is a busy don't stop.
It are so happy to after all isn't all of owners, only various many people consulted and then ranned Xu Tang.
As for the martial building positive front door in cow house then closes.After all martial building in the cow house belongs to closing type Wu Guan.Although the internal personnel is numerous,the peacetime disallows to at will pass in and out and side has a small door the person who provides to occupy to pass in and out.
Before one lengthened a car to stop martial building door in the cow house, the person who pass in and out also has no too an attention, because at martial building in the cow house this circumstance already not calculate what rare of, stood down to one young man from the car, looked age only 67 shapes, a face overbearing pride lifts up head to see toward also take 1 kind in the vision of cow house martial building don't think the facial expression of idea, there is also a kind of very thick war idea.
"Hum, martial building in the cow house!"The young man humed a direct alignment doorway to exclusively establish of consult place.
Although this be not register to solicit students of consult place, however still keep rounding many people.
"This is the thing that I take for my kid in the house, bother you to help to transmit for a while."
"Excuse me, you have network teaching here."
"Martial building in the cow house is thus famous, gain considerable fame a world now.I think to open in the world the cent school, I am to want to inquire I can become your to become number of a company, there is the atmosphere to is thick to heavily do force in our province, one of my company also conducted "x the small s says the ち house ち head ち hair" for several years please ask the rice Ms. Ran to really appear.This is that I invite you with gift for me for the fresh flowers that she buys to transmit, I am that she am the most faithful'dyestuff, Pi"
The circumstance here similar to martial building other place in cow house, although before sit three members with left service.But the surroundings rounds several individuals, and still continuously someone get into, this, the young man directly moved forward to walk to come over, his eye orthoptic front, vision in these people of in front similar to nonentity, he once walked of a great power in the place in a twinkling blast open.
The "alas" is what is the row …"
"You how make, how bump a person.How to bump ……"
"I which know, I ain't intentional either!"
The strength moment ofA young man separates the person to the both sides.This recruits Chen Han's making a contract in the rice Ran will ascend to once use as well'dumb a, at the moment young man use and Chen Han but totally different, arrogant, violent in action, moment old Xi person in the door hustle bump into together, but he then has already directly moved forward to walk to beauty of consult member in front.
Young man Ao however way:"I seek Chen Han."
Chen Han!Surroundings moment the owner is all utter silence, the visions all see toward the young man of this overbearing pride.Martial building in the cow house is like the sun at high noon now, even if the person who doesn't know a river lake affair also all knows, Chen Han isn't only the building lord of martial building in the cow house,dr dre beats pro.It is also the great physician that is long to cure a hospital at the same time.
That consulting of beauty member also Leng want the person who seek the building lord is many all of a sudden, but thus and nowise respect of keep shouting its of seek Chen Han's persons now not much all very polite of call Chen Guan Zhu or great physician Chen, differ most of also all is call a Dr. Chen.
Although is a bit surprised, however consult a member still very the way of courtesy occupation:"Your good Sir please ask you to seek Chen Guan Zhu what is up.I can have urgent matter my manager who will notify our publicity department to handle this affair for you registering, if."
The young man of overbearing pride is tiny to knit the brows.Take a not great way:"Need not so troublesome, you tell me where Chen Han is, I seeks him."
"Sorry Sir, you not agree with remaining like this …"
Consult the time that the member talks at this .Flank two sports cars that consult a member to see Chen Han from the bright window at the same time open from the center door.
These 2 consult a member to leave nearerly, among them one humality:"Is not that the car of building lord?""Hiss!Small voice point, don't let the guy for considering as correct hear, he also wants to see a building lord, I see manager Yaos like a short while,etc come him honesty."
"H'm, …"
The Yao list is responsible for many affairs now, is also body and many jobs, ignore is before or now, know someone to Chen Han's disrespect that than directly scolds him still serious, many stings happens to this kind of affair when martial building in the cow house starts opening building most , so even know these staff members.
They are apart from this now the young man probably has one is 56 meters, two girls whisper, but the young man of this overbearing pride is a corner of mouth to start to be suffused with a silk to sneer at, descend owner to feel at present one flower for an instant.It is now to have already lost that the shadow of young man.
"" Surroundings of those people like see the ghost is general, but have some sharp-eyeds of have already seen toward the outside.
"See quickly, that person how nose will over there …follow one among those persons point, public the in a flash hoping in the past, just seeing that now the shadow of the young man move, descend have already made track for the direction that drive to leave toward Chen Han for an instant.
Chen Han drives to leave martial building in the cow house and had already had a period of time don't go to a hospital, along with promoting of Zhu Yuan's medical skill, can let at first solution not of the problem no longer calculated too many, sometime still usually ran toward martial building in the cow house at first.Have what problem directly ask to Chen Han, add of hasn't been eliminating to stop recently.So there hasing been a period of time didn't go to a hospital.
The ears of wheat sits on the copilot's, is shutting eyes to revolve them special heart method in the wheat house, the ears of wheat after coming to a sky class for middle more and more seems to be iciness, the words are also less and less.
Autism?Eccentric disease?Mental wound linger effect, these minds also tremble with fear at Chen in the flash across.The ears of wheat current variety makes Chen Han all rise curious about heart.
Someone, Chen trembles with fear medium suddenly a move.The vision immediately sees see a mirror backward, just- had he feels to have a very relentless for an instant of the breathing don't calculate friendly of is looking at himself/herself, along with take after concentrating Dan, Chen Han's felling is more and more sharp,beats by dre australia.
See inside the mirror behind, a personal shadow quickly twinkles.Two car shortage that the twinkled has already been apart from Chen Han 50 meters, Chen Han's cars now the speed don't calculate too quickly and after all is time for going to work now, although martial building in the cow house here situation on road can also, can not completely develop the power of one this supercar, either.
Is interesting, make track for comer from martial nose direction in the cow house, see skill …… when Chen Han looking at, that the young man suddenly accelerated a person to directly hurtle to come up now, the speed per hour of Chen Han now doesn't arrive 60.Of fierce acceleration has already exceeded Chen Han's sports car a very gorgeously start to jump path have already directly blocked at the front of Chen Han Che probably the distance of ten meters, the hands cross Ao however ground to embrace before chest and raise feet to unexpectedly want a feet to arrive Chen Han's sports car.
Following strength to see by this person and just- had speed is the real strenght in sky class middle at least, but he this, the action make Chen Han isn't great very much, if let him this feet arrive to speed of car, Chen Han doesn't worry him what is up, own car affirmation has to be damaged.
Sou!Chen Han's hand fiercely starts to pull hand Cha.It controls steer device in the hand.The car is fiercely horizontal to move for an instant, but Chen Han have already opened a car door for an instant here, a Zhang has already clapped to go out, and the spiral huge Zhang in a twinkling bombs however hits.

Volume 4 chapter 407 goes to hospital to go to work
Renew time:2010-2-2116 Related articles:

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