Monday, November 12, 2012

beats by dre pro he leaf turns ……I ce

, Cloud breeze doesn't say as well what, with Liu Qing Dao individual, take any leaf Ping of leaf to come downstairs.
Was two to certainly drive to, night Xi driver, cloud breeze sits fore, any leaf Ping of leaf sits to behind, the car opened small area.
"Leaf any, we have how long didn't see?"Cloud breeze asks.
"The senior clerk would have never seen again after last time."
", To, did we still once see once on the senior clerk general assembly, I forgot, ha ha ha!"Cloud breeze has so a take to have no a to take of with leaf any chews the fat.
The car gradually leaves downtown.More opening is more quick, drive ascend Lin Shan.Arrived the end of road, get off, drilled into a hillside, the direction running about indeed as expected was the small log cabin that before once came.
Cloud breeze and night Xi fore the noodles leads the way, leaf any follows behind with leaf Ping.But several leaf pingses lightly pulled a leaf any after the step.
Leaf any has been doing not understand its idea.However immediately put to slow step fell, start following leaf Ping's rhythm, don't eliminate a short moment, 2 people are incredibly apart from anterior cloud breeze 2 people drew back a big segment distance.
"How?"Leaf any seeming to be just dare be soft-voiced to ask leaf Ping.
Leaf Ping hasn't come yet and talks, the cloud breeze of front has already become overdo:"Is two, how walk so slowly?"
Leaf Ping smiled to smile:"The air is quite good here."
Cloud breeze ha ha on smiling, deeply absorbed a tone way:"O.K.."
"Occupy and then say here!"Leaf Ping way, " need not go toward again in walk, ha ha a smile!!"
This name is a , both sides the person's facial expression is all winds and clouds to change Huan, include a leaf any, cloud breeze.There is also the Xi in night.
"What do you say?"Cloud breeze is wrinkly eyebrows to ask.
"At say you!You be not ha ha a smile?"Leaf Ping says with smile.
"Open what fun."Cloud breeze gape.
Leaf any certainly believes leaf Ping's judgment, because if don't believe, leaf Ping will be very angry.At this time he apprehensibility BE:Ha ha a smile the shape of disguising as cloud breeze to seek last oneself.But, how leaf Ping find this guy is ha ha a smile?She and cloud breeze should be incognizant just to?So side of the night Xi?It is also false.
Leaf Ping is with a charming smile:"Do you remember five year agos?You disguise as the eldest brother of ash fire organization, on their summit conferences, started to remove at that time they organization of inheritted a person."
Cloud breeze glowers and keep staring at leaf Ping.
Leaf Ping continues to downwards say:"When you leave, you met one in the building way 14-year-old sweep floor little girl.You praised her at that time:'Young girl, the small age Shu does quite goodly!'Immediately after stretch hand to touch her head ……"
"?Is that girl you?"Cloud breeze doesn't talk.Hence leaf any substitutes leaf Ping to downwards answer.
Leaf Ping ordered to nod:"Since is the person who does Shu, will have the reaction of subconscious, the little girl waves hand to block your hand, however still keep being opened with the hand by you.Finally still kept touching touch on her head, immediately after roar with laughter of leave."
Cloud breeze finally smiled to smile:"Ha ha a smiled to assassinate at that time inheritting of ash fire organization person, the this matter Shu fields all knew.But you suddenly say now I is ha ha on smiling, this matter has a little funny?"
Leaf Ping smiled to smile:"I think to be the then of you, it am the person of leaf's house to perhaps also have never thought me?But the person of leaf's house, there is an incomparable skill, be called a leaf to turn, I think that you should not have never listenned to?"
"The leaf turns ……I certainly once listenned to.Can to my knowledge, if be beaten a leaf to turn, it is impossib to live down of?"Yun Feng answers.
Leaf Ping nods:"The real leaf turns, certainly is so.But, a 14-year-old little girl, you entertain wild hope her to tee off a perfect leaf to turn to seem to be not that possible.Speak of, at that time drive your hand when opened I beat a your hand up of, could call it BE'the leaf print', it however BE'the leaf turn'of first level, the breathing can't produce a destructiveness.Can't take place with light any function.But, it doesn't easily be realized.And equally can hardly disappear.Should be able to insist for 6-7 years with my then level.However I still kept overestimating myself, now the past five years, I see it have already soon disappeared, also no wonder that I temporarily didn't realize last time ……old vulture!!"

Volume 3 chapter 301 ha ha a smile of Shu
Renew time:2008-10-71:09:42 chapter word numbers:3202

"What?Old vulture?"Leaf any listens to all and springs up in the part come.
The leaf Ping point nods:"I have while seeing him that day grow once acquainted with of felling.Always feel that this person's breathing contains some places that I acquaint with.My thinking at that time is to where by chance have been already met.Being down to date to see this guy again is again this felling, I just know on the whole, is I in those early years dozen went up of'the leaf printed'.The Kui must make me be by this time meeting you, otherwise can not lead how long, this traces are completely disappearing."
"Originally cloud breeze be ha ha a smile!"Leaf any dead stares at the other party and sees him having words to say.
Cloud breeze just smiled to smile.Lift own right hand, put in oneself's eye to wear to turn over to reply the ground saw fully have five minutes:"Unexpectatively, I will drive a 14-year-old bond maid to calculate."This words are 1, equal have been already admitted he be ha ha a smile.But leaf any all has never thoughts with leaf pings and respond first mightiness of incredibly will be a night Xi.
Sees her 1 leap to flee to open to count a rice and directly jumped any leaf Ping of leaf nearby, dynasty ha ha a smile to drink a way:"Are not you cloud a senior clerk?"
Ha ha a smiled to smile to say:"The persons who connect cloud most intimate breeze were all cheated by me, if isn't your this wench, I ain't likely to be found."
Leaf any is temporarily some careless:"E?How?Aren't you cloud breeze?"
Leaf Ping but don't so easily believe the Xi in night.Look on coldly, every moment guard against.
Night Xi but have already drawn back to fight pose:"What about the senior clerk of cloud?"
Ha ha a smile and is smiling:"Blood-red color evening the first superior indeed as expected live up to reputation, can only cherish, he also surprisingly person whom he trusts most will suddenly make moves to him."
"You ……what mean!"The night Xi pulls open-shelf hands to have some shiver.
Ha ha on smiling handle knob to insert pocket, took out two kind things to throw a night Xi foot:"If not and for dressing up as him, this thing I can't leave for him, either.However you trusted, he didn't take to your grudge before the dead, because I told him I is what person, for the superior, I always respect very much,beats by dre pro."
Throw in the Xi foot in night of, one set PDa, a cellular phone.PDa is a blue outer shell, cloud breeze is to pursue and arrest a set, taking blue as marking.
The night Xi slowly squatted down a body to go, the hands held up PDa and the cellular phone, the moment double eye immerses full tears flower.Immediately after start Ba Ba downwards fall, again immediately after, body suddenly a slanting, unexpectedly and now faint.
"I depend and exaggerated too much!"Leaf any calls.
Leaf Ping also has several cents the accident.She has been being suspecting these 2 people and being not doing a drama.But see a now night Xi sad, disappointed, shed tears, fainted, she isn't a delitescence set again of, have no the reason contain so strong acting skill.
Ha ha on smiling the night Xi that also hopes to fall flop at this time, sigh a way:"Exactly still woman, the artistic skill is again good, can not get away from dependence forever on the spirit."Finish saying the title hopes toward leaf Ping:"Compared with you, she can differ far."
Leaf Ping didn't answer.
"BE what make you so strong?"Ha ha on smiling to seem to have much of interest, " is 14 years old can calm down so the ground design me to me, you and what enemy do I have?"
"You killed my parents."Ye Ping says.
"……" Ha ha a smile should voice."You naturally is who, I think that I can't remember."
"Certainly, they are in the your eyes just target, the name is of no account.Even, I don't feel that you do be wrong.Only, by a happy chance they are my parents, so, you became my target now."Ye Ping says.
"Good!Say very goodly! Related articles:

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